Novo Nordisk,

Thank you for considering me for your
amazing events this August in North Carolina!

My goal is to give your diverse audience of shop floor employees, managers,
engineers and more, my System to be UNSTOPPABLE.
Grounded in a "One-Team Mindset" I'll give your team members tools
and strategies to cultivate accountability, support, and positive teamwork,
so you can achieve the goals that matter most.
For you and the people who need you!

Here's to making Novo Nordisk UNSTOPPABLE!

What RECENT Clients are saying:

"Wow! Exactly the message we needed. I love Alex's energy, and it ignited our audience for the conference. Alex's tools had an immediate impact both professionally and personally for our members. The feedback has been exceptional. We are feeling invigorated and unstoppable!"

- Pamela Arora, President & CEO, The Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI)

It was a pleasure to have Alex Weber as keynote presenter at the International Hearing Society’s (IHS’s) annual convention in Palm Springs this year! I deeply enjoyed getting to know Alex, and I loved watching his presentation. His message resonated with our members, based on the overwhelming positive feedback we received and the countless members who stayed to speak with Alex after his powerful presentation.  Alex has a true passion for helping others, and we thank him for helping IHS become UNSTOPPABLE!"

- Patrick S. Kochanowski, President, The International Hearing Society

“Alex was fantastic!  His energy and message are infectious. It was such a blessing to have Alex with our team.  If you haven’t heard him yet, do yourself a favor. You need to hear Alex speak.”

- Shane Jackson, President, Jackson Healthcare

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